While his brother Ronit Roy is reckoned as one of the most popular faces on TV, Rohit has been rather selective about taking up projects on the small screen. Last seen in ‘Peterson Hill’ two years ago, the actor will soon return to TV with Siddharth Kumar Tewary’s historical show ‘Porus’. He will play Porus’ father, King Bamni, who went on to become the King of Pauravas.
What prompted Rohit to do the show was that it will be a finite series, after which he will move on to direct a film.
A source informs, “The show will be made on a grand scale. The first schedule will kick off in Thailand. Extensive research has been done on the costumes, which have been designed keeping in mind the attire worn in 300-360 BC. Rohit’s costumes will be embroidered with gold threads, which is a first for a TV show.”